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    compare with

    1. However, neither of them could compare with Alec's own desire to be with her once more

    2. Compare with Bella Abzug, whose face would surely have sunk a thousand ships

    3. Compare with the English word for slave, which came from the mid-European word

    4. No matter how much I appreciate and value that literary prize, it does not compare with the honor that it represents and the gratitude that stirs up in me the homage that Ponferrada rendered me, at the request of the governing Council of Fuentesnuevas, for naming a street after me in the neighborhood of that locality where I grew up and was reared in my youth

    5. compare with what’s happening on the healthcare front with respect

    6. The implantation cost is very small, almost nothing if we compare with trillion dollars that those countries already spend in its social programs, Social Welfares, payments of interests, devaluation of the coin and so many other expenses that only transfer wealth for minorities, without end perspective in the solution of the problems of every population

    7. The sex was fantastic! Easily the best I've ever had, not that there's much to compare with

    8. While he needed to mature a little, and he could not compare with his father, he was much better than the other two

    9. does it compare with faith?

    10. Remember that it took 50 grams of carbohydrates to compare with the control, which

    11. Surely you will admit that a woman has nothing which can compare with the beauty of a youth, his supple waist, his fine-drawn limbs, the tender mingling of color in his cheeks, his gentle smile and charm of his voice? The Prophet himself, in putting us on our guard against so evident a danger, said: “do not look upon beardless boys, for their eyes hold more temptation that the eyes of huris…”

    12. It will certainly not compare with the past position to which you have laid claim! And your exalted commander? He has been accused of being an enemy of the state

    13. But was it the most wonderful thing as he had thought when he had first heard of it, or just the most recent? How did it compare with the many other remarkable memories stored away in an old man’s mind? And then there was Moshe’s recitation of all that had transpired since their separation that had inspired such pride in the vision that had brought that selection about

    14. It will certainly not compare with the past position to which you have

    15. most recent? How did it compare with the many other remarkable memories stored away in an

    16. “How does this compare with the serene lifetime the two of you once shared?”

    17. These news feeds cannot compare with the premium versions provided by Bloomberg and

    18. “No joy can compare with the joy of doing one’s duty quietly

    19. Are you also willing to tell us your true feelings about the place you call Oasis, and how do those compare with your impressions about what you’ve seen so far of us and the forest?’

    20. Again, get them to compare with a partner before continuing with the story

    21. compare with other slaughtered animals

    22. the ills of the body; there is no comforter to compare with

    23. true love could compare with Linda Wang


    25. compare with you; gosh, you’re the epitome of the incredible

    26. does it compare with the derogatory words

    27. How could any human/s compare with the

    28. However, there are other examples which really don’t compare with these instances but which we tend to overlook

    29. can even compare with you,” said Officer Taylor

    30. Can you even imagine how easy it would have been for Nancilea to give up after her first accident? Hearing stories about champions like Nancilea makes most of us realize that your worst day on your success journey could never compare with what she faced not once, but twice

    31. average price to compare with that dividend for the years, 1999 and 2000

    32. The concern of Vidich for misappropriated dollars, however, failed to compare with Rudolph’s concern for the dead, the missing, and the supposedly dead

    33. While she and her aviatrix liked the Philippines, where the 99th Wing had been based since 1944, the hot and humid tropical climate there had started to be wearing on her, while the general living standards in the Philippines could not compare with those in Europe

    34. 9 Compare with the third stage of Bruce Tuckman’s model of group dynamics: Forming-Storming-Norming-Performing

    35. Compare with yourself and see the changes : If you want genuine pleasure in life, compare yourself not with others but yourself

    36. So we're all on a journey, so don't compare with someone else, just settle in your heart how God wants to work with you, and start to believe to grow in that area

    37. lower income households ten to spend a much higher proportion of their income on fuel than the wealthier households - about 8 per cent for the lowest 20 per cent of households by income compare with an average of under 3 per cent for the highest 40 per cent

    38. Between 1970 an 1998 the total fell by 44 per cent (compare with a rise in all the other main sectors): most of the fall took place between 1979 an 1984

    39. Petrol consumption rose only 14 per cent over this period compare with a rise of 142 per cent for DERV

    40. beautiful it was, but how it could not compare with the original Garden of Eden which was

    41. Can any temple compare with that which God himself has built to

    42. on the edge of the mattress could never compare with the weight on her heart

    43. To this end, compare with what has just been said

    44. Compare with this chapter the conversations of

    45. Of course our little graduation ceremony could not compare with that of Harvard Universityat least not on a scale of pomp and ceremony

    46. "That is the record I took of one of the calls I made--merely for the purpose of obtaining samples of voices to compare with this of the impersonator

    47. how you compare with your peers

    48. How could they compare with the exquisite masterpieces?

    49. However I thought it would be interesting for you to scan and compare with your own program - if you do indeed have one!!

    50. But it still doesn't even begin to compare with your beauty

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